Tuesday, November 30, 2010

PC Power User - Skypre Credit 100 $ of value for 10 $

I used Skype today, and didn't want to miss the chance to mention you how good I think it is. And I am not referring to Skype to Skype calls. Why I love Skype? Skype allows me to speak with people outside of Serbia at really low price. It offers gigantic opportunity to anyone starting a business online. If you are offering online service, you can set up low cost customer support with number directly in USA for humorous 10 bucks. This alone leaves me speechless. It's insane opportunity, but beside that, Skype offers a lot more and helps me conduct my online business even better.

Do you remember my story about ePass, when it was closed down? After that I switched to Payoneer, as preferred source of income. It took Payoneer entire month to ship me credit card. It would take them even longer if I didn't have Skype, because there was a problem that needed phone contact to sort it out. It's just one of many opportunities Skype offers you... 

How I use Skype? When someone mentions Skype, they initially think of head set and/or microphone and headphones and sitting in front of computer. I use it as a phone, and let's keep it that way. Skypeophonie rules! A couple of months ago I used it on N95 Nokia, now I am using it on my Samsung Galaxy S. I know there  are many other phones that have Skype support. I know multiple occasions when I used Skype instead of calling my friends from coffee shop, just because they offered free Wi-Fi...

Contacting Customer support via Skype is saving you money. I was contacting multiple customer supports, like Blizzard and Payoneer, and sometimes quees can take for half an hour and longer. If you are calling from abroad that's quite a lot of money.

Disadvantages of Skype: There are stuff that I don't like about Skype. First of all, you can't use it properly as messaging platform, Skype doesn't allow integration into another chat protocols. Nimbuzz could integrate it for a while, until they banned them also. I use different platforms when I am accessing my instant messaging platforms, like Digsby and Skype doesn't allow that. It's huge minus for me, because it's not open, as web should be, so it's never going to be my primary account for messaging.

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