Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to become "PC Power User" series

I am constantly on my PC and always on the look out to save tiny fractions of time. Being and staying productive on the web is one of my main motos. If you want to achieve more in less time and stay more organized you should follow these tips. Essentially you will figure out what ideas to have and how to implement them in order to become power user.

In this series I will cover:

Android Phones
Google Chrome Extensions
Mozilla Fire Fox Extensions
Windows applications
and Pen and Paper

I will start with some essential tips, that aren't PC related and which are focused on productivity alone. Having pen and paper always by your side is essential. Storing your ideas became important to me, since I started with internet marketing. In the process you will have many ideas, but if you don't store them, they will fade away and go to oblivion. All of those ideas require certain action in order to succeed. 

How to combat procrastination? Biggest problem of working from home is that you can get lazy and skip doing the stuff that are really important. Not that many times, I've lost track of my activity and wasted timeless hours on reading unimportant RSS feeds on Google Reader, instead of doing what's really important. Writing down what's important and needs to be taken care of is, yea you guessed it: ESSENTIAL. You should get into habit of writing down things that need to be taken care of. Even if you don't eventually do them, you wrote them down and made bigger significance and bigger attachment to your goal.

Main thing about getting your online business on track is dedicated commitment to do what's important and avoid procrastination. Procrastination is our biggest enemy, draining our time and making us spend more time in front of computer than we really should. So in order to avoid procrastination, you need to remove all the clutter. So how do we actually do it? Removing the clutter ain't an easy task I tell you. 

I know a lot of people who have cluttered desktop, cluttered working table. Your workspace should be minimalistic with smallest amount of objects. Ideal working environment should have monitor, keyboard, mouse and of course pen and paper :) Everything beside those things on the desk is distraction!

So after reading this article I want you to remember three things:

1. Store your ideas
2. Combat your procrastination
3. Remove all of the clutter

Stay tuned for Power User series articles. If you have any ideas, suggestions, please share them with us in the comments.

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