Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Writers blockade... And negative reviews on Youtube, you gotta love it

For last couple of days I couldn't force myself to write, it was darn too complicated. Now that I have keyboard in my hands and determination I got myself back to it. There are stuff going on in my private life, that I am happy about and are related to certain someone... Anyway I don't know weather you're blogging yourself (my dear reader) or you're just browsing around, but there has to be something between you and blank piece of screen, that certain emotion that is going to drive you all the way to the end of an article. You just want to feel the creative force behind your words, thingling emotions that they might provoke while your reader is consuming your words.

Blogging is the corner stone of online publishing and everyone's got a chance to give it a shot, will you attract readership or not, it's up to netizens to decide. Your freedom of speech is limitless, but your reach is limited with how many people get back to your blog. Beside blogging I want to get my word out on other media channels, such as Youtube and So I just uploaded a couple of videos and I get some weird comments from people, yep, people from my own country. They didn't even have the courtesy to leave an English comment, since entire channel is on English.

I guess it's called jealousy, because there is someone out there, who's outperforming them. When you start getting negative comments that means you are on the right track, especially when I face comments from people that are trying to pull you donw, since they can't do shit with themselves. It's way easier for them to leave a bad remark, than produce something of their own, everyone's affraid of critics, but figure out this. THEY ARE ALL LOSERS WHO GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO, THAN PUT SHIT ON OTHERS PEOPLE WORK! When you face this truth, you will head in the right direction. Your word is getting out there... What particularly got me fond over this negative comment is that I didn't invest my time into finding people who might like it, I was just checking out how I look on cam, and weather it's appropriate for speaking. So here's the video that launched this article:

I would like your comment, don't be afraid to leave a bad one if you didn't like it :) But I will repeat myself, weather you're writing, making videos or podcasting, do it with passion. Passion will help you push trough negative remarks and belief that what you're doing is right will allow you to push trough any pain that envious people that want to put you back into the chains and norms that society imposes on us. Be affraid of these kind of people in real life, they might be masked as your friends and people that "care about you", but don't forget their envy and shine trough with your confidence! Belive that life that you imagine is something achievable, your mind is designed so it will find the way to please your wishes.

It doesn't necessarily have to be painful, because if you love what you do, you are enjoying your process on the way to your highs that you imagined! Your mind is powerful!

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