Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who are you listening to?

This post is inspired by the voices I heard today... Cleaning up my reader mess and read a lot of posts... What's going on, on the web? Seems like only people who are trying to earn money are talking about passions and what not. And execptionaly people in sales telling other people not to try to sell trough social media. I can sense the thick cloud of fog around many of those social media consultants, who will justify the lack of results that they deliver explaining how it's bad for your PR not to sell...

When on the web, turn your reasoning and critical thinking on. Who are you listening to? Are they talking juju or they are talking money? Try to sense the energy behind words and pictures. When you break it down that way, you will have a sense with who are you talking to.

Yes, just try to focus, and skip all those emotional traps that they are trying to enforce upon us for our money.

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