Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Let's take a look at my projects

For past couple of days I am consolidating my projects into streams and organizing them. Most of these projects are blogs of sorts, but I want to review them. Currently I am activly involved in 5 different projects:

  • Increasing Workplace productivity - I am investing most of my energy and passion into this project, it helps me fuse all other work, because it's all about productivity
  • Brilliant Mind project - this is collaborated project with my coworkers, where we are trying to make websites that are content distributors and are doing that over Twitter, monetizing on affiliate and Adsense.
  • Disclosed company project - This project consumes a lot of my creative energy, because I am actively looking for solutions to project problems, unfortunately I am not disclosed to talk about it
  • Mrsavljenje - this is weight loss website, which functions really well. I hired a journalist to write articles for this blog and I am distributing it to our great fanbase on Facebook and increasing followers on Twitter. We are locating people who are interesting in weight loss and delivering proper information to them.
  • Racunari - I got hired to lead this project and it has really good start. The very name is native Serbian word for computer, so it's highly customized for all IT words. I established great Wordpress design along with social media integration.
It's kinda hard to track all these different projects, but when you look at it, most of these projects have common tasks, who if carefully organized can still be achieved with a breeze, without wasting too much time. Mind mapping is essential tool that helped me with this issue, as I wrote in a popular article that I recently wrote here. I must confirm that usage of mind mapping is genuinely increasing my productivity and creativity.

I am satisfayed and diversification of my projects and their development. They are adding up value daily and accumulating part of the web which I am editing. Internet is awesome, simply put.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's going on in Bojan labs...

Hi peeps, haven't wrote here for a while, but there are good reasons for it. Since new year I am quite happy with my productivity levels and I am achieving a lot day by day. Development of my book is ongoing and you can read fragments of it on my producivity blog. I am reading a lot of blogs and reaching out to a lot of new people and this amuses me but also allows me to network.

Facebook is my biggest source of traffic, followed up by Twitter. I am trying to figure out weather to focus my efforts into one basket or keep them spread? I always had good results with Facebook, maybe I should stick with it? Not really sure... 

New stuff that I am trying out are related to standing table. It's in the early stage of development a habit of standing up, while working, but it seems really interesting. I have to brag that I got into a habit of writing and it does wonders for me. After a lot of contemplating I am thinking about starting to write for content sharing sites like Info Barell and Ezine Articles. Still not sure which "content farm" to visit and be regular guest at.

My marketing efforts from Warrior forum aren't brining in the traffic juice, so kinda makes it uninteresting location to market my website to. Or I simply need to generate more "karma" and get new there. I like the way they made signitures related to your WSO (warrior special offer). You invest 40 $ for a forum ad, and than everyone starts to post like crazy so their signitures shows up as much as possible in all possible forum threads. Long live sales, but that bog seems like it's overcrowded with crocodiles...

Beside a lot of work, I regularly find time to work out and go out at weekends. Hanging out with my regular friends and enjoying myself as much as I can. Just wanted to keep you updated on what's going on, I will make sure my gets more interesting for my readers in the future.

All blogging and no play, makes content boring. :)