Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's one of those mornings... errm afternoons

I went to bed late last night and wasn't sleeping that well. Had this really weired dream, that woke me up too early, and my cat didn't allow me to proceed with my sleep. She usually sleeps with me, but she wants to play in the morning, had to close her in the bathroom, but than she started screaming to let her out, no better snooze alarm than that...

So now I am drinking my late morning coffee in 1:34 pm and contemplating on what to eat. I followed up my routine of working out in the morning perfectly, but couldn't sit myself to write some proper article, so I came here to let my thoughts loose and was reading some good articles on RSS feeds. As coffee is flowing trough my stomach and warming it nicely I am thinking of my daily obligations and for the time being there aren't any.

I've received an email today from someone who was reading my blog and that is one of the biggest rewards blogger can get, that way it seems like you are communicating with the world. You write it once, and there is potential it's going to be read thousands of times, connecting your thoughts and ideas with many other like minded individuals, or potentially unlike minded. Internet is magnificent glorious way of interacting with entire humankind. So I decided to share with you this beautiful day with all of you accidental wanderers. This picture is taken from my balcony and the river you see in the background is Danube.

After the coffee I grabbed a cake and decided to leave the house and enjoy the sun of this magnificent day. See you around...

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